We're delighted to announce that applications for the Subsidised Schools' Membership Scheme will be open from Monday 10 June

The scheme is a unique opportunity which offers state schools fully subsidised school membership of the Library for the full year. With its unparalleled collection of around 1 million volumes spanning 200 subject areas, unlimited access to around 1,000 online journals and beautiful workspaces, membership is a brilliant resource for any school, particularly for the EPQ and independent research. 

Our schools membership package provides the following benefits:

  • Membership benefits for up to three named individuals, two of which can be changed at any time
  • Beautiful and inspiring places to work, study and think
  • Ability to borrow and browse from an extensive collection of just under a million volumes, covering over 300 subjects in the arts and humanities
  • Unlimited access to over 1,000 online resources, including Jstor andThe New Oxford Shakespeare
  • Generous borrowing allowances of up to 25 volumes
  • Expert assistance with reference and research enquiries. We can also provide students with basic study skills sessions to help them improve research skills.

We currently have over 60 schools in membership, many of which use the Library on a regular basis and benefit from bespoke support with study and research needs, ranging from EPQ group study sessions organised by our knowledgeable Librarian staff, to help with the research needs of individual students. Here’s what one of our school’s members says about their membership:

“The London Library is an amazing resource for our students and offers them access to resources that they would not usually be able to use, which helps with developing their independent study skills for university. Having access to new resources allows students to widen their interpretations in coursework and in their studies in general which will help in their studies, and could even help to improve their grades."

And here's what one of our subsidised school's pupils thinks of the Library:

"I really enjoyed my time in the London Library. Not only was it helpful to my research, but it was amazing to explore such a unique place. 

There were books about absolutely everything. It was really easy to find many books about a single subject and I found these books extremely useful to my research."

Applications for the Subsidised Schools Membership Scheme are open to any state schools with pupils above 16 and a school Librarian. Applicants should have a clear idea of how they wish to use the Library for the benefit of staff and pupils, and must be prepared to provide feedback about their experience of membership. Applications close on Monday 1 July 2024

If you would like to apply, please email Charlotte Beskeen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request an application form. For any questions regarding your application please contact Charlotte by phone on 020 7766 4700 or on the email address above.

We look forward to receiving your application and good luck!

The Subsidised Schools Membership Scheme has been made possible through the generous support The London Library has received from a number of anonymous donors. The scheme has not received any public funding.