Updated On-site ArrangementsThank you to everyone who responded to the recent survey about our Covid measures. We received nearly 800 responses, and gained a very helpful insight into members’ preferences regarding their experience in the Library. It was particularly striking that 81% of you have felt safe in studying here during the pandemic. Overall, amongst the membership there is a 60:40 split respectively between those who prefer to work without a mask, and those with. As we look to increasing capacity to accommodate the usual rise in occupancy during the Autumn, the survey feedback told us clearly that those who prefer to study in areas where masks are optional are also generally comfortable to see capacity in these areas increased. Therefore, and also through consultation with staff, from Monday 4th October we will restore the Reading Room, the Sackler Study and the 6th Floor Members’ area to normal, pre-pandemic seating levels, including the return of all of the armchairs to the Reading Room – something much requested in the survey feedback. These steps will increase capacity in the Library by over 37 seats. The Reading Room will remain as an area for laptop use while we continue to operate with lower capacity. We understand that a silent, laptop-free space is important to members and hope to restore it as soon as capacity allows. Please continue to wear a mask on arrival at the Library and when moving around the building and in the stack areas, for the comfort and safety of other members and staff. Thank you for working with us on these matters, and for engaging so helpfully with us through the survey. |
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Updated On-site Arrangements

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