
The London Library works with a range of caterers, production companies, and florists with the aim of providing clients with some of the best event services London has to offer. As a unique and historic building, we request you choose from our list of approved suppliers who have been selected for their high standards and proven ability to work safely in the Library’s environment. These suppliers also work in numerous other unique and heritage venues, and are experienced in providing innovative products and services to ensure outstanding events.

Now tendering

The London Library is now open for new caterers to join our Approved Supplier list. Please email the required documents below to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the header ‘Approved Supplier Tender – [Your Company]’ no later than 17:00 on 28 March 2025 for consideration. 

Approved Supplier Requirements


If you prefer a one-stop shop, we have a range of all-inclusive packages with the below suppliers.

View Sample Event packages

Blue Strawberry/Table Talk

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020 7326 5752


Cafe Tangerine

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077200 08201


Chilli Bees

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0208 946 3311


Dinner Ladies

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020 3793 412


Eden Caterers

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020 7803 1212


Lodge Catering

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0208 960 5794



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020 8812 3223 


Bennett & Friends Catering

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View Brochure



Endeavour Floral Design

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07803 505 873


Princess and Ko 

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07447 677108


Simon Lycett

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0207 277 3322


Production Companies

Wise Productions

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020 8991 6922