The London Library 183rd Annual General Meeting 2024

The 183rd Annual General Meeting of The London Library will take place on Tuesday 26 November 2024, in-person and online.

Retirement and Election of Trustees

The following Trustees retire at the 2024 Annual General Meeting: Yassmin Abdel-Magied, Philip Broadley, John Colenutt, Isabelle Dupuy, Patrick Fleming, Stephanie Hall and Stephen Withnell

Yassmin Abdel-Magied, John Colenutt, Patrick Fleming, Stephanie Hall and Stephen Withnell are eligible for election to a second (and final) term and are accordingly put forward for re-election.

The following members are also put forward for trusteeship this year.

  • Anni Domingo
  • Paul Gismondi
  • Charles Spicer
  • Steven Whitaker

Appointment of auditors

The Trustees propose the re-appointment of MHA as the Library’s Auditors for the financial year 2024-2025.

Membership fees from 1 January 2025

The Trustees propose an increase to ordinaryThe Trustees propose an increase to ordinarymembership paid by annual Direct Debit, of 1.8% to £575 per annum, saving members £60 on the cost of membership byother methods. Full membership by other payment methodswill increase by 3.3%, to £635 (£52.92 monthly). These increases have been carefully considered in light of the prevailing rate of inflation and the cost pressures we know members are currently facing. The changes to fees for all membership types are given below. All individual membership types receive a discountedrate when paid by annual Direct Debit.With regard to Life Membership, we propose to split the existing 75-79 age band into two with a reduced fee for those in the older age bracket. We also propose to increase the fee for the over 80s from £1,500 to £1,600 whilst all other bands increase by 1.8%.

Read the annual report and find out more

Opening Hours

Monday & Tuesday: 9.30am-9.00pm

Wednesday - Saturday: 9.30am-5.30pm

Sunday: Closed


Bank holidays

Easter 2025

Closed: Friday 18 April  

Closed: Monday 21 April 

Spring and Summer 2025 

Closed: Monday 5 May 

Closed: Monday 26 May

Closed: Monday 25 August 

Christmas 2025 

Closed: Thursday 25 - Friday 26 December inclusive

Closed: Thursday 1 January  


Wednesday Late Opening 

The Library is open late one Wednesday a month throughout the year.

On these days, some reading rooms will be unavailable to members to facilitate events. Desk spaces will be available in other reading rooms and throughout the rest of the Library.

The following dates are for Wednesdays in 2025:

15 January: 9.30am – 9pm

19 February: 9.30am – 9pm

19 March: 9.30am – 9pm

16 April: 9.30am – 9pm

21 May: 9.30am – 9pm

18 June: 9.30am – 9pm

16 July: 9.30am – 9pm


Contact Us 

This page lists all of the contact email addresses for teams and departments, this will be the quickest way to get the right answer to any questions or concerns. If you would like to speak to a specific member of staff please see our London Library Team

Member Services

  • Reception: (020) 7766 4700 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Book enquiries, loans and renewals: (020) 7766 4743 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Postal loans: (020) 7766  4782 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • For more general feedback about Library services: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Membership enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Fundraising enquiries and donations: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Founders’ Circle: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Legacy enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Filming and Venue Hire: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Marketing & PR

  • Press enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • The London Library magazine: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Public events: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Accounts - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • New book suggestions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • New title donations: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


While at the Library, if you notice something that is not in keeping with the Library's best practices, please speak directly to a member of staff at the Issue Hall desk. 

If you notice an ongoing issue that is impacting your experience at the Library, please email us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Find Us 

The main entrance is located in St. James's Square. There is one alternative members' entrance at ground level via Mason's Yard, off Duke Street St James's.

Open in Google maps


How to Get Here 

Bicycle: Storage is available for members' exclusive use in Mason's Yard (capacity 16 bicycles). Please collect a swipe card from the reception desk of the TS Eliot House entrance. Bicycles are left at members' own risk. Santanders Cycle Hire, a public bicycle sharing scheme, operates in the area. The closest docking station is on the east side of St. James's Square.

Tube:  Nearest underground stations are Green Park (Jubilee, Piccadilly, Victoria lines) or Piccadilly Circus (Bakerloo, Piccadilly lines). Visit the Transport for London Underground Site for up to date information.

Bus: Nos. 38, 22, 19, 14, 9 stop on Piccadilly. Nos. 3, 9, 12, 13, 15, 23, 139 & 159 stop on Regent Street. Visit the Transport for London Buses site for more details.

Parking: Pay and display parking spaces in St James's Square are in operation Monday to Saturday 8.30-18.30.

Disability and access: The members' entrance in Mason's Yard provides level entry to the building with a platform lift inside for wheelchair access.

The St James's Square entrance is not wheelchair accessible.

Assistance dogs are welcome.

Accessibility facilities

Wheelchair accessible lift provides access from the basement to floor 6, including the Times Room, Art Room and Reading Rooms.

A wheelchair accessible lift in the basement area next to the Foyle Lightwell Room.

Portable induction loop at Reception.

Some older parts of the building are difficult to access for those with mobility constraints, but staff will retrieve material on request and provide assistance.

We offer in-person induction tours for members to help them find their way around the Library and make the most of the collections and services on offer. They last 45 minutes to an hour and can be tailored to your interests in the Library. 

Use the form below to book your induction with us. 


The general induction tour covers:

  • Layout of the Library – book stacks, reading rooms, study spaces 
  • Library rules and etiquette 
  • Arrangement of our collections and how to find books 
  • Brief introduction to Catalyst (our online catalogue) and accessing digital resources 
  • Using cloakroom lockers, self-service kiosks, and printers 
  • How to access other services we offer

We look forward to seeing you at the Library.

Your membership

Inside the Library

Inside the Library

If you'd like to view some of our collection and our reading and writing spaces before you visit, take a look at our 3D tour below. Alternatively use the 'view inside' button below to view it full screen.


Membership number and sign-in information

In order to access the full range of electronic resources and catalogue features for example eJournals and eBooks, you will need to complete an initial sign-up process using your 5-digit membership number and the email address you registered with the Library. Please follow the instructions here to sign-up for the first time.

Once you have completed the process, you will use your email address and an 8-character (minimum) password of your choice to sign-in on subsequent occasions. Your membership number should have been sent to you in an email when you joined but should you need a reminder, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you have any problems with the sign-up process, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Your membership card

Full (including Institutional) and Associate members will receive a membership card and information on how to use the Library on their first visit. Please bring your card with you whenever you visit as you will need it to gain access to the building, borrow books and make use of other facilities. Please bring two forms of identification with you on your first visit – one should include a photo (e.g. passport, driving licence, travel card, student card, ID card) and one should include confirmation of your current address (e.g. driving licence, recent bank statement or utility bill). 

New nominees who have been switched onto an Institutional membership can collect a new membership card on their first visit to the Library.

Your card remains valid for the duration of your membership. Personal memberships are non-transferable and the Library may be used only by the person named on the membership card. If your card is lost or stolen, please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Members are welcome to sign in guests to give them a brief tour of the Library. Please sign your guest in at Reception and remain together for the duration of your tour.

If you would like an individual induction we are now able to offer a limited number of these. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange.


Institutional members

In order to access the full range of electronic resources and catalogue features for example eJournals and eBooks, the representatives will need to sign-up to the single sign-on service.

They will need the 5-digit membership number and the email address registered with the Library on the membership application form in order to verify their account and create a unique password. Please select "Sign in to Catalyst" from the top right of the library homepage and then follow the instructions here to sign-up for the first time. Nominees will then need to use this email address and password to sign in on subsequent occasions.

So that the representative and nominees can both enjoy easy access to our online services and collections we recommend setting up a shared email address which the representative and nominees have access to. If you decide to create a shared email address, please let us know by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can update your membership record accordingly. All future communications from us will be sent to this email address.

The one/two individuals that have been chosen as nominee(s) will have full use of all membership benefits including access to electronic resources. The nominee(s) can be changed at any time and as many times as you wish, but the representative will need to let us know in writing at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the name(s) of the new nominee(s) they wish to be swapped onto the membership whenever these are changed. In accordance with our licence agreements, only the representative and nominee(s) may access the membership to log in to the electronic resources. You can view the full terms and conditions of institutional membership here.

Borrowing Books

Borrowing books

Search the online catalogue (Catalyst) and select items to be set aside or posted to you.

You can also borrow by email by requesting items at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You can collect books at the Library or browse the stacks and take out items at the Issue Desk.

You can find detailed information on searching the catalogue, browsing and borrowing on our dedicated website page

Borrowing entitlements

The standard borrowing allowance for individual annual members is 15 for all members. 

The standard borrowing allowance for institutional members is 15 volumes at a time.

The standard borrowing allowance for schools' membership is 25 volumes at a time.

Additional borrowing allowance can be purchased in increments of 5 volumes, up to a maximum total allowance of 40. To increase your allowance, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone us on 020 7766 4720.

Due to the coronavirus measures, all Library members have had their book allowance increased by 5. 

Loan periods

Most books can be kept for at least one month initially and are automatically renewed unless requested by another member. New books are available to borrow for 14 days; they may be renewed if not requested by another member.

There are no overdue fines but we do ask that books are returned to the Library for renewal once a year so that we can assess their condition. All members are liable for the full cost of replacing any books not returned or renewed on request, that are outstanding at the end of membership or if they are significantly damaged.

Postal loans

When requesting books on Catalyst, select Home Address as the pick up location.

Materials can be posted to members worldwide, usually the cost of postage is payable but we have currently waived these charges if you have a UK address. If you need to update the address that we post to, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Returning books

You can post books back to us either to our Mason's Yard address (20 Mason's Yard, London SW1Y 6BU) or when we are closed through the letterbox at our St James's Square entrance.

Visiting the Library

Browsing the stacks and the classification system

Members are free to browse our 17 miles of bookstacks. The Library uses its own classification system which maximises the potential for browsing specific subject areas. Books are arranged alphabetically by subject and then by author. Library staff at the Issue Desk are always on hand to help members find materials and you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.

Library map

The collection spans 17 miles of open shelves, take some time to explore them. 

Download the Library map below and use it to help navigate when visiting the Library.

This map is also displayed throughout the building, showing you how to get from the stacks, to the reading rooms, to the issue hall and back again; which you can access via the main lift or the stairs.

View the Library map 

Opening times

Monday & Tuesday: 9.30am-9.00pm

Wednesday - Saturday: 9.30am-5.30pm

Sunday: Closed

Click below to view more details on opening hours including bank holidays and monthly late openings:

Opening hours



Reading rooms and desks

The Library has 3 reading rooms on the 1st floor above the Issue Hall, The Foyle Lightwell Reading Room on the lower ground floor and non-silent reading rooms in the 6th Floor Suite. There are also a number of individual desks located around the stacks. We also now have a reading room near the existing Art Room.

View a floorplan of the building

Library Services

Book suggestions

Members can suggest books to be acquired for the Library collection by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Collection guides

Printed guides to some individual areas of the collection can be downloaded from our website.

Enquires and references

Staff are on hand to help with member enquiries, bibliographic checking and subject searching. Where enquiries fall outside the scope of the collections, staff will identify appropriate alternative libraries and collections. For assistance please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Enquiries and references for school members

We are happy to help school members with their research requests and we can arrange bespoke sessions at the Library to support students with their study needs. Please get in touch with our Head of Member Services, Amanda Stebbings at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your request.

Inter-library loans

The Library participates in the Inter-Library loan scheme - requesting materials from other national and international libraries. If we do not hold something you need we may be able to borrow it on your behalf for a fee. 

The collection and closed access areas

Members have access to all of our collections but those in closed access areas (4% of the collection) need to be requested in advance. Some of this material can be borrowed but some will need to be accessed on site. Currently these sessions will need to be arranged at least 72 hours in advance by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and can be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10am and 3pm.

Using our online catalogue - Catalyst

Access Catalyst from anywhere via the ‘Search the Catalogue’ link on the Library’s website. The online catalogue provides access to almost all of the physical collection and all of our digital resources. You can find videos on using Catalyst on our website.

In order to access the full range of electronic resources and catalogue features for example eJournals and eBooks, you will need to complete an initial sign-up process using your 5-digit membership number and the email address you registered with the Library. Please follow the instructions here to sign-up for the first time.

Once you have completed the process, you will use your email address and an 8-character (minimum) password of your choice to sign-in on subsequent occasions. Your membership number should have been sent to you in an email when you joined but should you need a reminder, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have any problems with the sign-up process, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You will find a video explaining how to use Catalyst on the homepage.


Using our online catalogue – institutional members

Access Catalyst from anywhere via the ‘Search the Catalogue’ link on the Library’s website. The online catalogue provides access to almost all of the physical collection and all of our digital resources. You can find videos on using Catalyst on our website. 

In order to access the full range of electronic resources and catalogue features, for example eJournals and eBooks, the representative will need to sign-up to the single sign-on service. They will need the 5-digit membership number and the email address registered with the Library on the membership application form in order to verify their account and create a unique password. Please select "Sign in to Catalyst" from the top right of the library homepage and then follow the instructions here to sign-up for the first time. Once you have completed the process, you will use your email address and an 8-character (minimum) password of your choice to sign in on subsequent occasions. Nominees will then need to use this email address and password to sign in and gain access to electronic resources and our collections. Your membership number should have been sent to you in an email when you joined but should you need a reminder, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have any problems with the sign up process please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You will find a video explaining how to use Catalyst on the homepage.

Online Resources

Members can access the Library’s extensive range of online resources in the Library and at home. Find information about our online resources here.

Books & journals

Some of the Library’s books and journals are not currently listed in the online catalogue. Titles are constantly being updated and staff are always able to assist if you are unable to find what you are looking for, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.

eJournals and databases

All of the eJournals and databases the Library subscribes to can be found by title on Catalyst, in addition to other open-access holdings.


The Library subscribes to over 300 online newspapers, magazines and journals as well as providing access to thousands more through services such as JSTOR. Many of these can be accessed via Catalyst and the full range can be found on the Library’s eJournals page.

Using the Library

Access requirements

Members with access requirements may contact Reception at any time on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out how we can meet their needs. This includes level access to the building, lifts to many of the Library’s spaces, accessible toilets, and screen readers.

Entering and leaving the building and the Issue Hall

Members requiring level access to the buildings can use the T. S. Eliot House entrance on Mason’s Yard (opposite the White Cube gallery). There is also lift access inside the Mason's Yard entrance which enters on to the Issue Hall.


In the event of a fire alarm please follow the signs to the nearest exit and evacuate immediately or wait at the nearest refuge point and use the call button to alert staff.

Food, drink and phones

The 6th Floor Suite is a space at the top of the Library where members may relax and work in a non-silent environment. It is the only space in the Library where food and drink (apart from water in a secure container) may be consumed. Phone and video calls are only permitted in these spaces and nowhere else in the Library.  There are two phone booths available should you prefer and these can be booked in advance.


Members are asked to leave bags in the lockers at Reception, but are provided with clear, reusable carrier bags if they need to keep small items with them in the Library. This helps improve access in narrow spaces like the stacks, prevents damage to the collection, and improves book security. The lockers are free to use. 

Please use your membership card to access the lockers. After the building has closed each evening the lockers will open automatically so please remember to clear your locker at the end of the day. 

Coat cupboards are available for members to leave coats and bags at their own risk.

We have bike storage at the back of the Library in Mason’s Yard, if you would like to use this please let us know in advance on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as we will need to create your membership card with special access to the bike shed in advance of your visit.

WiFi and computer use

WiFi and computer use

Free WiFi is located around the Library and can be accessed using a password which is available at the Library. Laptops can currently be used anywhere - plug sockets are found at most desks. A limited number of desktop computers are currently available. 


Registering your membership card with the Library's printer system is the first and only step in associating your card with your printing account. This is used for releasing print jobs, photocopying, and scanning to email. Please note that these services are currently free.

The overhead book scanner is available for larger or more fragile items.

How to register your membership card with the printers

  • Tap your membership card at the card reader on one of the large printer/copier/scanners in the catalogue hall and you will be prompted to register the card. 
  • Enter in the email address you have registered with the Library as your username, and your five-digit membership number as a password.
  • After that, each time you tap your card you will be logged into your account at that printer.  Please remember to sign out when you are finished. 

Printers in the Times Room and Reading Room will automatically print pages that are sent to them and the large copier/printers in the catalogue hall require you to releases the print job from the printer itself. These machines also function as photocopier/scanners, and you can access these features by tapping your card to login. 

Wireless printing 

If your laptop is connected to the library Wi-Fi you are able to access the wireless printing service. Simply navigate to this page and login with your email and membership number, select submit job to upload your documents, and then select the printer you wish to print to. Members can print wirelessly to the printers in the Writers' Room and the Times Room.

Onsite IT support

We provide limited IT support for members who experience connectivity issues related to the WiFi. This is currently available Monday to Thursday 10.30-4.30. Please ask at Reception for assistance.




Member Groups at The London Library

Member groups are a great way to meet other like-minded members, collaborate, share interests or reading recommendations. Browse the list below to find your community. Or, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out how to start your own.


Writers' Work in Progress Group

The Writers' Work in Progress group is a welcoming space for writers of fiction and/or non-fiction to workshop current projects, discuss craft and industry, and support one another in their writing. We are launching a work-in-progress group at the London Library for writers of fiction and/or non-fiction. Meetings will be in person every other Monday evening for writers of all ages and experience to read and support one another. We promise constructive, sensitive feedback to help you towards a finished draft. So be brave and come and share your current project! 

We will also aim to host occasional speakers, set writing prompts, and run workshops in craft skills, editing, and navigating the publishing industry. 

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The Short Reads Book Club 

This book club welcomes members who like to get together to talk about short, sweet reads. We choose books that are less than 200 pages long. It might be a play, an artistic manifesto or a novella. There's no specific genre, it is led by individual members' interests. Unique and provocative picks are as welcome as classics. The group meets regularly in person to discuss the latest chosen book. Please get in touch for more information.

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The YA/Children's Writers Circle

Meeting once a month in person, on Mondays 5.30-7pm, this group welcomes anyone writing for a child/teen audience – picture books, chapter books, middle grade, early teen, YA and crossover, in any genre.

During our meeting we will share and workshop two pieces (up to 2000 words each) – no need to read anything in advance! We will also discuss topics of interest such as trends, industry news, relevant opportunities, craft, etc.

Whether you are published, or unpublished, agented, or just starting out, if you are serious about writing for a young audience, please join us! Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.

The German Language Book Club 

The German Language Book Club is a group for German-speaking London Library members who want simultaneously to practise the language and widen their German reading. The group will aim to meet at regular intervals and to draw on the Library’s extensive German collection for titles to read and discuss. Meetings will be held in German. Please get in touch for more information and to register interest (auf Deutsch, wenn’s geht).

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The Italian Reading Group  

The Italian Reading Group is a book club for London Library members who would like to explore the Library’s extensive and fascinating Italian collection. We discuss four novels a year chosen by the group. In addition, between September and June, the group runs extra events at the library with invited authors. Both the book club and the ‘extra’ events are also available online if you are unable to attend in person. The emphasis is on having relaxed and friendly discussions in Italian and/or English as preferred. Get in touch for more information and to register interest.

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The Philosophy Group

The Philosophy Group had its first meeting in April 2017. It now meets twice a month, on every second Tuesday of the month in the Library and on every fourth Tuesday of the month on Zoom. Both meetings start at at 6pm. Meetings usually last for about an hour and a half. Different books are read at the two meetings so members can come to either or both meetings.

The Group discusses philosophy books which can be read over the course of up to three or four meetings. Recent books include The world of perception by Merleau-Ponty and After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre. The conversation assumes that those attending have read the part of the book on which the evening’s discussion is based. If you would like further information about the Group, please email John Robinson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will be happy to answer your questions and give you details of the forthcoming meeting.

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The PhD Group

The PhD Group exists to encourage and support London Library members who are undertaking research degrees, or working on books and articles. They meet periodically to share the fruits of their work and to explore the joys and frustrations of researching, writing, presenting conference papers, and preparing findings for publication.

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The Non-Fiction Writers Group

The group meets twice a month on the first and third Tuesday of the month between 6-7pm.

First Tuesday meetings (6-7 pm, in person and online (availability permitting)

At every meeting, a different member of the group chooses a short passage (500-1,000 words) from a non-fiction text. The passage is circulated to the rest of the group a week in advance. At the meeting, the member will lead the discussion of the passage, focusing particularly on what we as writers can learn from the author's approach and techniques. There is no obligation to attend every month; simply come when you can.

Third Tuesday meetings (6-7.30pm, online only)

These meetings are to provide a space for writing, and an opportunity to discuss work in progress. We spend the first hour writing intensively, then half an hour sharing and discussing what we have written.


We run a voluntary database for group members to reach out to each other for support and collaboration with writing issues.

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The History Reading Group

This group meets on the third Wednesday of the month and each meeting the group hears 2-3 book recommendations with a short presentation on each book followed by Q&A and discussion. For more information and to join the group please get in touch.

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The History Research Group

The group is for members who use the Library's rich collections for historical reading, research and writing. They hope especially to offer support to historians whose plans are being frustrated by the current closure of archives, for example by pooling information on digital sources. For further information please get in touch.

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The Poetry Group

A relaxed poetry group for Library members to read, write and discuss poetry on a monthly basis. Seasons and beginner poets welcome.

First session on 21st October; thereafter on the late opening Wednesday evenings (20th November and 18th Dec).

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Please note that all London Library member groups are run on a voluntary basis by members.

The Library is delighted to help to facilitate these groups and we are extremely grateful to those volunteering to lead the groups. We ask members to recognise these efforts and to always consider the usual Library rules and etiquette when interacting in groups whether online or at the Library.