Join the Board of Trustees

Please note that there are currently no vacancies.

Trusteeship involves helping with the Library’s overall governance, monitoring our strategic goals and supporting the Executive team. Our trustees are volunteers but the role can be highly rewarding in terms of personal development and the enjoyment that comes with working collectively in the best interests of the Library.

The Board meets four times a year and trustees will usually also sit on two committees, covering areas such as buildings, collections, fundraising, finance, membership and marketing. 

For further information on London Library Trusteeship please see our Trustee Guide - available below.

Download Trustee Guide

Please contact Sarah Farthing on (020) 7766 4712 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you require any further information. 

Trustee Placements for Young Members

Please note there are currently no vacancies. Our next intake is expected to be 2026.

The Library runs a Trustee Placement scheme for young members. This is a two-year role, which is open to members aged between 18 and 30 and designed to encourage participation by younger members at Board level. We value the insights and contributions of younger members very highly and we aim to ensure that our trustee placements receive a positive experience of charity governance.

For further information on the scheme please see below.

Download Trustee Placement Guide

Please contact Sarah Farthing on (020) 7766 4712 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you require any further information.